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Muslim Women’s Thoughts on Alternative Medicine

Complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) are treatments that fall outside of mainstream healthcare. These include, but are not limited to, Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Acupressure, Chiropractic care, Aromatherapy, Hypnosis, Massage Therapy and the use of Herbs and Spices. CAM have been in use for centuries and have been growing in popularity in recent years.

The Impact of Covid-19 on Muslim Women In Bradford
This study looks at how the pandemic has affected the local communities and how the decisions that were made on a national level affected Muslim women in Bradford.
Understanding Crime: Muslim Parents’ Perspectives
This study aims to examine the experiences and views of Muslim women from Bradford on parenting children involved in crime.
Beyond Stigma: Muslim women’s views and experiences on mental health report
Beyond Stigma: Muslim women’s views and experiences on mental health is the fourth report of the Muslim Women’s Council’s Think Tank programme.
How do Muslim Women save Money?
This study aims to understand the methods that the women use to save their own income or the family income.
How do Muslim Women save Money?
This study aims to understand the methods that the women use to save their own income or the family income.
IMPACT REPORT: MWC HELPLINE Remote Support for Muslim Women and Girls
This report gives you an insight to the ongoing impact of the helpline and future development to maintain and sustain support.
The Impact of Covid-19 on Muslim Women In Bradford
This study looks at how the pandemic has affected the local communities and how the decisions that were made on a national level affected Muslim women in Bradford.