Muslim Women’s Council has been delivering the Curry Circle, our weekly food initiative, since December 2013. Due to the unprecedented effects of COVID-19, the sessions will be changing to a hot meal takeout service from the same venue, Carlisle Business Centre, from 6pm to 8pm on Thursdays. This will ensure both our volunteers and service users are kept safe while enabling us to continue providing as much support as possible.
The spread of the virus means it is likely that more & more people will need to self-isolate. Isolation is a major issue for many vulnerable and older people, therefore on Monday 23rd March we are launching a helpline from 10am to 8pm seven days a week, to support these members of the community, in conjunction with MyLahore and Islamic Relief. Our services will include emergency food provision (through hot meal food packs), signposting to relevant services, updates & advice on Coronavirus in additional languages, befriending and emotional support.
This is a mild disease in most people. However, it can be more severe for older people & those with chronic medical conditions.
It is extremely important to heed the health advice and use common sense. Muslim Women’s Council fully endorses the calls for social distancing. In the Muslim community in particular, this means praying your daily prayers at home rather than at the mosque (including Friday prayer), suspension of all madrasa activities, and following the health advice during funerals.
The symptoms of Coronavirus are a cough, a high temperature, and shortness of breath. Testing is only going to be for patients at hospitals and for the most vulnerable people.
You should stay at home and self-isolate for 7 days if:
- you have a new continuous cough
- you have a high temperature
If you live with someone who has symptoms, you will need to stay home for 14 days from the day the first person in your home started having symptoms.
If symptoms become worse, use the 111 online coronavirus service, if you cannot get help online call 111 for more advice.
Here are the key points from the latest government advice:
- Everyone in the UK is now being advised to avoid "non-essential" contact with others and "unnecessary" travel
- People are being asked to work from home where they possibly can and avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and social venues
- People are being advised to stay at home for 14 days if they, or anyone in their household, has either a high temperature or a new and continuous cough
- Those in at-risk groups must avoid social contact for 12 weeks
“This is an uncertain time, however it is imperative that we be brave enough to stay calm, act rationally and follow the advice”.
Bana Gora, CEO of Muslim Women’s Council
For the most up-to-date information on coronavirus in the UK please visit: www.gov.uk
Our helpline contact numbers:
07592 890099
07592 889364
07792 946689
07592 890129
“Be good to orphans and the needy. Speak nicely to people. And help the poor” (The Quran 02:83)
Donate to MWC Helpline: