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Bradford protest against anti-Muslim film criticised

Bradford protest against anti-Muslim film criticised

Following queries from many members and contacts, Bradford Muslim Women’s Council has made it clear that they feel there is little to be gained from the proposed demonstration in Bradford called for Friday 28th September. 

Following significant interest from many of their members, the MWC have decided to put on the record their view that there are more constructive and positive ways to engage with the issues of free speech, religious tolerance and blasphemy. 

Bradford Muslim Women’s Council Chair Bana Gora said

We believe it is clear that the scenes we are witnessing across the world in which protests are leading to violence and killing are abhorrent. And all this is in response to a vile third-rate movie produced in America. The murder of the US ambassador should be condemned as it is totally against Islam and the teachings of the Prophet.

There are many examples of the Prophet Mohammed being mocked, abused and attacked during his life time. However, he never retaliated in the manner of his abusers and we have clear examples of how Muslims should behave when faces with provocation. All the main religions of the world teach love of God and thy neighbour, which essentially means equality, tolerance and peace. It is an absence of real faith in religious people that causes violence.

The MWC is keen that Muslims are not manipulated for political reasons and fear responses to the film could be used to further define them. This movie first came to light in Egypt and was done so to inflame Muslims against Coptic Christians. 

Although some say this film is about freedom, the right to free speech of an individual has to be questioned when it is being used in a planned and malicious way to deliberately insult, hurt and cause distress to Muslims. Mocking great religious leaders, whether you agree with them or not, when they are held in high esteem in the hearts of millions of people, does not advance any values, cause or civilization. Equally, if some Muslims give a knee jerk reaction, they give unnecessary weight to this film and scenes of people protesting and turning to violence only reinforces a stereotype that Muslims are intolerant.

The MWC is calling on all moderate and tolerant individuals to condemn all acts of religious intolerance, disrespect and incitement to religious hatred against any religion through upholding domestic and international laws. Those who protest would do well to remember “The dogs will bark at the moon all night. Does the sound of dogs affect the glory of the moon?”