As we approach 2024 in a few hours, I look outside, it is raining, the raindrops falling on the windows and dripping away silently.
New Year has a different meaning for me. One is because I am getting older, therefore becoming more aware of how time is slipping through our fingers like sand.
Time is what we have on this earth so to make the most of this precious time given to us. To live a full productive life, to make this life count.
I reflect on what I have learned, what I need to improve on and what I intend to focus on in the future.
Life teaches you things, I have learned that sisterhood is so supportive and essential for us women to progress. It is a wonderful feeling to know there are a bunch of similar-thinking ladies who spur you on when or if you feel lacking the energy to grow to the next level.
The fact is if you are in the company of confident, empathic, creative and encouraging women that will rub off on you and therefore will impact you intensely.
Living out of one’s comfort zone is something I learned I enjoy, why? because this confirms there's more to oneself than one thought. Consequently, this leads one to further advancement and has a knock-on effect in all areas of life.
What I will focus on is looking into opportunities presenting themselves to me. What will I accomplish in taking part in a particular project how will it benefit others? Is it going to be something I will be remembered for?
Will this be something that will bring a smile to someone's face?
These are the sorts of things I want to establish.
As I sit here writing this piece, I hear fireworks going off. Some people are starting the celebration of the new year earlier.
The fireworks and the celebrations, the turning of the year from 2023 to 2024 seem to just be flowing from one number to another this year.
I think of the hunger, the bombardment, and the lack of food, and basic life supplies in Gaza. The number of children who are now orphans, and the number of deaths are increasing daily. The “CEASEFIRE” not happening, when did the leaders become so heartless that they have no humanitarian concern? Are the leaders that ignore the plea of our brothers and sisters, becoming more similar to AI (Artificial Intelligence) where it is confessed that AI does not possess emotion but can mimic emotion? Is that not what the leaders that ignore the begging from Gaza are doing surely?
The Gazans still hold strongly to their faith. We can only admire their strength through this devastation they are experiencing. They still thank Allah swt for everything.
Seeing the massacre in Gaza has resulted in us standing together, united to fight for our brothers and sisters through this torturous time.
This too is a test for us to see, how we manage it and how well we come out at the other end. What will we accomplish by attending protests, having bake sales, wearing “Free Palestine” wristbands, Palestine flag pins, and the keffiyeh (scarf). Personally, I feel we are stating we stand by you and are doing all that we can to support you our brothers and sisters.
It strengthens our bonds as Muslims and it is a statement of war against the injustice taking place at the moment by some of our leaders.
Another focus to look upon more passionately is global warming and how we can do our bit to help.
Reducing plastic in all areas. Replacing plastic shopping bags with either Tote bags or material bags.
Looking after the environment the greenery that surrounds us we should do everything we can to maintain it. This is the world that our generations will live in. We are made of soil which is why part of us is returned to the ground when we pass on. Therefore, looking after the environment demonstrates respect for our surroundings. Respect for the world that Allah swt has made for us to flourish in, if we respect it, we gain good deeds and Allah’s acceptance of those good deeds is our goal in life.
As we enter 2024 some of us will have children marriages taking place. Engagements, births of grandchildren we all love grandchildren! Some of us will be travelling, I sincerely hope I’ll be hopping on the plane a few times this year.
Reading more, learning more, reflecting more and trying to be the best version of ourselves in shaa Allah is the aim.
May Allah swat help us to live more spiritually, with a deeper understanding and a more developed perspective of life.