As media is such an essential part of our lives, it helps us have information at the press of a button. Quick and complete. The internet can give us the answers we need. Google is a lifeline for some of us.
However, being old-fashioned I would debate that as much as digital media is wonderful, e-books are great and reading any book at the touch of a finger is truly amazing. I for one, am still a big fan of the good old book in hand. For me, there is no better feeling than the touch of the pages. The cover of a book, the vast choice of bookmarkers you can buy. In my case my artistic daughter made mine. It is a watercolour paint puddle design in lime green and sky blue and written in the middle in black it says:
We are a family of bookworms. I have always taken my children to the libraries when they were young and fortunately, they are still hooked on books. The majority of the home deliveries are books and each family member gets excited when their book arrives. We do have lots of large bookshelves in the house. One in the lounge, one in the dining room as I turn around from my desk and smile at my bookshelf in the bedroom. It is only a 3-shelf one; hmm I think what an insult I need to expand it to become at least a 5-shelf one.
The books are on various topics, Islam, history, philosophy, art, psychology, physics, you name it, we have it.
So what do books mean to me? Well, the usual learning, exploring, and fascinating ideas that we extract from books are the foundation of my passion.
I believe for me it's more than that. A book is an expression of the author, their thoughts put down on paper, their inner feelings, knowledge, and lessons learned all compacted in a book. Different books have a different impact on us and affect us in various ways.
I prefer non-fiction because I like to see if there is anything I can relate to with the author or if I can benefit from their viewpoint, and their struggles. It makes me reflect on life on a different level.
Books have come to be, due to the creation, of the author. Characters come to life in our minds. Minor details that a play, movie or talk session cannot cover, are enclosed within a book.
Reading a book is following the journey of the author.
I find myself reading the words, highlighting words or sentences that stand out to me. That means something deep to me. That strike or call out to me to be noticed, to be taken into consideration. I believe words speak.
Sometimes like the gentle stream that flows in between small rocks and passes easily. At other times like the large angry waves crashing against the large rocks and coming back again and again relentlessly. Words are not to be taken lightly they can be like a whisper and at other times like someone shouting. Words affect our mood, motivate us, captivate us and also be calming and soothing.
I use sticky labels on some pages of a book, lessons, or crucial words that I may want to research further for my own growth.
Reading a book is for me like taking apart a story, delving deep within the thoughts of the author, understanding the author first then seeing if I can find something that will benefit my life to a profound point. If there are lessons to be learned, have I recognised them to be able to carry them on and share them with others.
To experience the journey by highlighting the words then putting the words back together and finishing the book. To implement the lessons learned in my life.
Reading is so crucial for our mental wellbeing and the rise of book clubs emerging on different platforms be it online or in-person book clubs, is a craze I am on board with.
Book clubs are a place where like-minded people read a chapter or a whole book and come together frequently, usually every month to discuss their findings.
It’s a relaxing space where no answer is right or wrong the session is about what we thought about the author, the writing, the feel of the book and whether would we recommend the book to anyone. The discussions are interesting for instance if 20 people have come together in a book club the probability is 20 various interpretations of the book as we are all so wonderfully different.
There is a sense of freedom to own your interpretation of the book. Book clubs are fun and great connections of similarities or differences can make a versatile group. Book clubs are also sometimes like attending school, but the homework hasn’t been done, if you didn’t get a chance to read fully the required amount, the dilemma may be to go and not tell, or come clean and confess either way, it’s about enjoying the book club and not letting the one-off reduced reading become an obstacle, still attend the club, you'll be guaranteed to come back more refreshed and good food is usually a vital part of a book group session. Book clubs are like having fun, and getting further education without the tuition fees.